Studio Policies
My child is new to the program~what should I register her/him for?
We offer a variety of classes for all ages. If your child is age 5 and under, our Primary classes are recommended. For ages 6 and over, Ballet is strongly encouraged. Ballet is required for Jazz, Tap, and Contemporary levels 2 and above. It is the most important subject in a dancer’s training. Dance students need Ballet training for coordination, flexibility, body alignment and grace. Without this training, it is very difficult for one to progress in other genres of dance. Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Pointe are also offered as appropriate.
If my child is new to the program, but has had dance training elsewhere, how do I register for a class that requires an instructor recommendation?
Please contact us to schedule a placement appointment if you are interested in classes above Level 1 or Beginner. After the placement appointment, we will contact you to let you know what classes/levels would be appropriate for your child. There is no fee for evaluation in one genre during available current group classes. The private evaluation fee is $85 /hour.
If my child has taken dance at JDC before; how will I know which to classes to register them for next?
All prior year students receive evaluations and class placement recommendations from their instructors, which are included with the academic year schedule. The evaluations/recommendations have been carefully considered by our professional instructors, who know your child's ability quite well in her/his subject. Recommendations are firm.
How do I register?
One way is to use Danceworks, our online registration site: JDC Danceworks
Once you have created an account, you may add students and select classes based on our recommendations for them. Your requested classes are forwarded to the Administrative Assistant for approval and payment processing. Once your dancer’s classes are approved, you’ll be able to see their schedule on Danceworks. You may also review your account, make payments, and update your credit card information on Danceworks. More registration information is available on our Schedules & Registration page.
If prefer to register in person or by phone, just contact us!
847.932.4070 or info@jennysdancecentre.com
If my child studies with different instructors throughout the year within Jenny's Dance Centre, will this slow down her/his progression?
Not at all! Although each instructor will have a different approach, all of our instructors teach from the same syllabus for each class and level.
Will my child progress every year from one level to the next?
In Ballet, almost everyone repeats a level once and sometimes twice. Even though your child appears to be "getting the steps", it’s important that she/he be progressing physically and technically. Until they have mastered the dance technique physically, she/he will need to repeat levels. The same explanation holds for all other forms of dance.
Why is Jenny's Dance Centre so strict with the age requirements?
Each class has an age requirement that corresponds to mental and physical capabilities expected for the age group. For example, if your child is only four and wants to take Jazz, she/he does not have the physical coordination or the mental capacity for the intricate combinations given in the class.
Please let the studio know if your dancer is sick or will not be in attendance. Please call or email info@jennysdancecentre.com with your dancer's name and reason for absence.
Please do not send your dancer in if they are too sick to dance - they may not “just watch”.
If your dancer has had a fever in the last 48 hours, they should not be in the studio.
Is good attendance throughout the year a factor in my child's progression?
Most definitely! Good attendance is a must for your child to excel physically and mentally with her/his technique, and is necessary to master class choreography.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are allowed three unexcused absences per semester. Excused absences include illness accompanied with a doctor’s note, funeral, one vacation day or a graded academic obligation. Please phone or email all absences to info@jennysdancecentre.com, with the reason, class day and time. Failure to adhere to this policy could result in suspension from the program and/or removal from the recital.
PUNCTUALITY POLICY: Tardiness disrupts class, causes students to miss warm up and material, and disturbs the focus and flow for the instructor. Students who are continuously tardy to class will not be allowed to enter the studio once class has begun.
Class Attire
Jenny’s Dance Centre has a strict DRESS CODE that is well-posted and communicated.
All dancers must adhere to all aspects of the dress code.
Ripped tights are not acceptable in class (unless it happens during class).
Why a Dress Code?
A dress code ensures that a teacher will be able to see a dancer’s alignment and
positioning. Baggy clothing can mask a dancer's physique, making corrections more
difficult. A dress code also helps to teach students discipline, and directs overall focus
and energy. By "dressing the part," dancers feel like dancers. Our dress code creates
equality and unity among the dancers.
Why should I shop at your Inspiration Dance Boutique?
We recommend that all of our dance families make their dress code purchases through our Inspiration Dance Boutique. We will fit your dancer in the correct sizes, styles, & colors for their levels and the JDC Dress Code. We keep a record of your dancers' sizes and are conveniently right inside the studio to help simplify your dance life! We carry everything required (& more!) except for Converse Hip Hop shoes.
Fresh, clean dancewear - leotards and tights - should be worn each day - all ages.
Proper hygiene is essential in all aspects of life. It is very hard to approach a student or parent about a lack of cleanliness or foul body odor. However, in a dance studio where activities induce sweat and dancers are moving throughout the space, odors can become a terrible distraction and an embarrassment for the dancer should a classmate be insensitive and say something aloud. To avoid this, please be sure dancewear - especially leotards and tights - is laundered after each wearing. Hair should be clean and pulled back properly, feet should be clean, and deodorant should be a consideration for all students age 9 and up. Reapply deodorant after school/before dance class.
Health and Safety Policies
Dancer may not attend class with the following conditions:
Fever 100.4 or higher: dancer must be fever-free for 48 hours.
Dry cough or shortness of breath.
Bacterial infection: dancer must be on an antibiotic for 48 hours before attending dance class.
Vomiting/diarrhea: must be symptom-free for 48 hours.
Arrival: Parents should escort their dancer into the studio and help put on their dance shoes, as needed.
Dismissal: parents may not wait in their car at the curb for their dancer. Please use a marked parking space. Parents of dancers too young to cross the parking lot by themselves should come into the studio to escort their dancer safely to your vehicle.
The Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization air filtration system has been installed on the JDC HVAC units, covering the full facility. This method of air filtration is used to help kill airborne viruses and bacteria. Used in hospitals, airplanes, educational facilities, etc, NPBI has been determined to deactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus at a rate of 99.4%.
Supervision/Studio Behavior
No unattended children.
No running, shouting, or climbing on cubbies.
No playing in the dressing rooms.
Food and drinks in the lounge only.
Dancers should always leave their outdoor shoes at the door. Parents may leave their shoes on except during messy weather - then we request that they either wait at the entry or remove their shoes before the carpeted area.
Parents/Dancers may not take photos or video through the studio windows for personal use to or to share. Performance videos (such as the recital video or competition videos) may not be shared on any social media platform. Classroom video links may be sent to families so that their dancers can practice; these also may not be shared on any social media platform. EXCEPTION: posts on the official JDC Facebook or Instagram page(s) may be shared/reposted.
No person may enter the studio with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher.
Do you hold an annual recital? What information is available now?
Absolutely! We celebrate our dancers’ accomplishments every June. Visit our RECITAL page for the latest information.
Social Media
In the “real world”, employers will not tolerate negativity towards their company on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, etc… We feel it is an important habit to get into now. JDC will not tolerate any negative comments made toward the studio, another student/parent, staff member, or instructor. Positive words of encouragement are welcome. We hold our JDC students to a higher standard and want to remind them to use good judgement when sending Snap Chats to their friends. If you have concerns, please contact us: info@jennysdancecentre.com or the studio phone 847.932.4070.
JDC staff will not accept social media friend requests on their personal accounts from JDC customers. Please understand the need for separation between work & home. All communication should go through the studio emails & phone line.
NO VIDEO CLIPS OR PHOTOS OF ANY JDC CLASS or ROUTINE (Group OR Solo/Duo-Duo) OR DANCERS are permitted on YOU TUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, SNAPCHAT, TIK TOK or any other internet public viewing source or social/viewing network WITHOUT EXPRESS PERMISSION FROM JDC STAFF.
Parents/Dancers may not take photos or video through the studio windows for personal use to or to share. Performance videos (such as the recital video or competition videos) may not be shared on any social media platform. Classroom video links may be sent to families so that their dancers can practice; these also may not be shared on any social media platform. EXCEPTION: posts on the official JDC Facebook or Instagram page(s) may be shared/reposted.
Financial Policies
No tuition refunds for the Academic Year 2024/25 classes or Intensives will be given on/after September 2, 2024.
There will be a $50 service fee charged for each Academic Year class refunded before September 2, 2024.
Recital costumes: We are unable to return, refund, or credit recital costumes once ordered in any circumstance.
Credit towards future class tuition will be considered if a student suffers a serious injury or illness that renders them unable to dance or to attend class as an observer for 3 or more weeks per their physician. Requests for medical credit must be made in writing, accompanied by the physician's note, and be submitted within 7 days of the injury or illness. Credit is valid only for the student to whom it is issued to be applied to class tuition only (it may not be applied to past due balances, costumes or other studio fees).
Jenny's Dance Centre will maintain/bill only one account per student.
JDC does not prorate for classes or intensives. If a student knows that he/she will miss class or part of an intensive, they are welcome to make up the missed time in another scheduled class of their choice, if available, provided it is the appropriate level and/or subject.
All Tuition must be paid on the date it is due. Any tuition that is not paid on the day it is due will be subject to a $50.00 late fee monthly.
Inclement Weather/Class Cancellation Policy
Jenny’s Dance Centre reserves the right to cancel classes due to hazardous/inclement weather or uncontrollable circumstances for the health and safety of our dancers, families, and staff. Because of limited studio space and time, canceled classes are not re-scheduled. However, students are welcome to make-up a canceled class in another class of their choice, if available, provided it is the appropriate level and/or subject. Class cancellations/late starts/early dismissals will be announced via the Dance Centre voice mail and on our website @ www.JennysDanceCentre.com. Notices are also posted on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
In the event that we are not able to reconvene regular classes in a timely manner, or are not permitted by the State of Illinois to hold in-studio classes for an extended time period, the studio may consider temporarily suspending classes or transitioning to a virtual class format. In either case enrolled student families will be notified through their email on file. In the event of a forced temporary closure, families will be offered the opportunity to continue classes online.
www.JennysDanceCentre.com 847.932.4070